School Facilities
Safe and clean schools are fundamental necessities of a successful academic environment. By utilizing a private industry service model, CUSD’s Maintenance and Operations Department provides all of our students with clean and safe facilities on a daily basis.
Although challenged with a combination of old and new campuses, the Maintenance and Operations Department has utilized State Deferred Maintenance Program funds to modernize older facilities. In November 1999, voters approved Measure A, a $166 million school facility bond measure to finance modernization projects and the purchase and construction of new schools to relieve congestion throughout our growing region; since then, six new campuses have opened.
In addition to seeking State and Federal grants, the Maintenance and Operations Department has applied for and received funds through the Federal e-Rate Program for the Internetworking of Campus Voice Video and Data Networks. In 2000, network computer drops to almost every classroom districtwide were installed. In 2001, the remaining campus intercoms were converted to a phone system, which allows dial-out capability from classrooms.
With expertise ranging from landscaping to mechanical engineering, from custodial to fiber optic network technology, our Maintenance and Operations Department is proud to impart solutions and services integral to providing a safe environment conducive to learning.

School Garden