Policies and Attendance
Mon., Wed., Thu., and Fri. 7:45 a.m. – 2:05 p.m.
Tuesdays 7:45 a.m. – 12:45 p.m.
Tuesdays 7:45 a.m. – 12:45 p.m.
To report a student absence please call 949-234-9943.
- Children should be at school every day unless ill.
- Call our attendance line when your child is absent.
- Do not arrive at school before 7 a.m. There is no supervision!
- Be on time and in line at 7:40 a.m.
- A student is considered tardy after 7:45 a.m.
- Family trips should be planned during school vacations.
Student Emergency Information
Use the Parent Portal to complete the Student Emergency Information with complete and accurate information, taking special time for the emergency names and phone numbers of any person who will be responsible for taking care of your child should become ill during a time when you cannot be reached. Update contact information if phone numbers or addresses change. Proof of address is required for an address change. Please call the office for more information.
Picking Up Students During School Hours
It is very important that all students remain in school every day. Please try to schedule all appointments after school hours. In the event that it is absolutely necessary for you to pick up your child prior to his/her regular dismissal time,go to the office to sign out your child. He/she will then be called from the classroom to meet you in the office.
Student Discipline Procedures
We are a PBIS school and to learn more about PBIS please see the Learning Environment link. We have a school wide system of positive behavior acknowledgement and we provide students various opportunities to earn tickets in which they can redeem for prizes.
- Schoolwide discipline procedures include warnings, discipline tickets, and discipline forms.
- As necessary, parents will be contacted by phone, in writing, and/or in person.
- Student Discipline Forms are used for consistent, repeated or severe offenses and are handled with assistance from the administrative staff.
Dress Code
Our school has a mandatory uniform policy.
The uniform consists of:
- San Juan School Spirit Wear with the school logo
- Solid red or white shirts or blouses with no designs (must have a collar)
- Solid navy blue pants, shorts, skirts, or jumpers with no designs (not denim)
- Solid red or blue sweatshirts or sweaters with no designs.
- ON FRIDAYS: Sweatshirts with a college or a university logo
The following items are not acceptable school attire:
- Swimsuits.
- Flip flops or sandals without back straps.
- Clothing that restricts movement for classroom and physical education activities.
Parents of children not wearing the school uniform will be called and asked to bring in a change of clothing. Lightly used uniforms are available if needed in Room 20 and we are always grateful for donations.