About Our School
San Juan Elementary School is located directly across from the historic Mission San Juan Capistrano and reflects California’s diversity, as well as its vibrant future. San Juan Elementary serves approximately 650 Transitional Kindergarten through fifth grade students as a whole school dual language immersion program highlighting the principles of biliteracy, bilingualism and multiculturalism. In addition, STEAM instruction and integrated technology enhance student learning, as well as, their learning of AVID strategies preparing our scholars for college and the workplace in the 21st century.
All students grades TK-5 participate weekly in STEAM lessons, and in a music class. Interested students 3rd-5th grade can also take advantage of our celebrated schoolwide Musical supported by our Foundation.
Our staff recognizes the importance of working collaboratively and providing an atmosphere where academic success and good character are recognized and celebrated. Positive Behavior Interventions and Support (PBIS) systems are the basis for student behavior. Support systems are in place to address the needs of the whole child as they transition through elementary school.
Parents are an integral part of the success of our students and our school. We have both a very active PTA and Foundation. These organizations work to provide our students with extracurricular opportunities such as field trips and outdoor science camp as well as advocate for needs of our children at the local and state level. Opportunities abound to get involved in your child's education!
San Juan also hosts an on-campus accredited YMCA day care and program center and a grant-funded after school program.
At San Juan School, students are preparing to be the leaders of the future!