Positive Behavior and Intervention Support Program (PBIS)
San Juan Elementary is a community of biliterate scholars who are confident, empowered to be lifelong learners, show appreciation for diversity and give back to the community.
We believe that by implementing PBIS at SJE our students are respectful, responsible and ready to learn.
What is PBIS?
- It is a school-wide design for pro social behavior.
- It is a team-based systematic planning.
- It is for ALL students, ALL staff, and in ALL settings.
- It is a program that can be upgraded as we go along.
- PBIS believes that there are no “bad” kids, only kids looking for ways to fit in.
- PBIS requires us to provide positive loving environments that are conducive to learning.
- PBIS requires us to provide clear expectations and routines.
- PBIS requires us to provide effective consequences that teach as opposed to punishing consequences that hurt.
Components of PBIS
- Teaching appropriate behavior in all settings.
- Interventions when behavior expectations are not met.
- Recognition when behavior expectations are met.
Here is the parent brochure regading PBIS: